Toni C. Inscoe
Administrator, Plumbers & Pipefitters National Pension Fund
Toni Inscoe is the Administrator of the Plumbers and Pipefitters National Pension Fund (PPNPF) – a multi-employer pension plan with over 150,000 participants and more than 4600 contributing employers. Prior to being appointed Fund Administrator in January 2017, she spent 20 years with the PPNPF in various leadership and benefit administration roles, specializing in Fund Mergers and Reciprocity.
In addition to her position as Fund Administrator, Toni is also an advisor to the United Association Reciprocity Committee, serves as a member of both the Steering Committee and Working Committee for the National Coordinating Committee of Multi-Employer Plans (NCCMP) and is the Chief Executive Officer of Reciprocity Administrative Services, Inc. (RASI).