• 2019 Transatlantic Conference

    June 19 – June 21, 2019

    The 2019 Transatlantic Conference was held on June 19 – 21, 2019 at the beautiful Sagamore Resort in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State.

    Each year, the Transatlantic Conference brings together thought leaders and policy makers from around the globe to discuss the trends and best practices in retirement and healthcare benefits, as well as the state of labor/management relations and bargaining throughout the world. This year, the day devoted to retirement topics was presented in conjunction with the World Pension Alliance (WPA) – a collective organization of the main advocacy associations representing pension plans and providers throughout the world, including the United States, Europe, Canada, Latin America, and Australia, of which NCCMP is a founding member.

    This event brought together leading experts in pension and health benefits, as well as Trustees and plan professionals from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise. The conference included two days devoted to global topics of interest in the areas of pension and healthcare, including:

    – the increased global focus on ESG factors and “Green” investing in selecting and evaluating investments
    – pension solvency metrics, plan management tools, and pension backstops throughout the world
    – innovations in risk sharing plan designs
    – mental health in the workplace, including addiction
    – approaches to medical marijuana with a particular focus on the changing legal landscapes in the United States and Canada, and
    – a case study from Finland on the effectiveness of their holistic approach to disability

    The final morning of the conference was devoted to the state of labor/management relations and bargaining throughout the world including the challenges in dealing with new forms of employment and the mobility of workers.

    Download 2019 Transatlantic Conference Agenda

    Transatlantic Conference Agenda

    Wednesday, June 19

    Breakfast & Registration

    8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.

    Dollar Island Foyer, Main Hotel

    Welcome & Opening of the Day

    9:00 A.M - 9:30 A.M.

    Michael Scott

    Robert Blakely

    Bruno Gabellieri

    Matti Leppälä

    Sustainable Finance & Alternative Investments

    9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

    Throughout the world, there is an increased focus on Environmental, Sustainable, and Governance (ESG) factors and “Green” investing in selecting and evaluating investments. This session explored the expanded role of sustainable finance  and other alternative investments including infrastructure, real estate, and private debt in the context of pension fund investing. What is required? What is permitted? What are the emerging best practices?

    Edward M. Smith
    President and CEO, ULLICO

    Kristof Woutters
    Head of Pensions & Insurance Relations, Candriam Investors Group

    Carl Elia, CFA, MBA
    Vice President of Alternative Investments, TD Asset Management


    Chris Brockmeyer
    Director of Employee Benefit Funds, The Broadway League

    Edward M. Smith
    President and CEO, ULLICO

    Carl Elia, CFA, MBA
    Vice President, Alternative Investments, TD Asset Management

    Kristof Woutters
    Head of Pensions & Insurance Relations, Candriam Investors Group


    10 Years After the Great Recession: How Have We Recovered, and What Have We Learned?

    11:15 A.M. - 12:45 P.M.

    During 2008 and 2009, pension funds suffered the greatest single-year losses since the Great Depression. Have pension funds recovered? How has this changed pension fund investing? What have we learned? What supervisory tactics are now in place as a result?

    John DeMairo
    President and CEO, Segal Marco Advisors


    Monte Tarbox
    Executive Director of Investments, National Electrical Benefit Fund

    John DeMairo
    President and CEO, Segal Marco Advisors

    Susan Bird
    President, McAteer Group of Companies

    Gerard Riemen
    Managing Director, Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds

    Romain Despalins
    Statistician, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development



    12:45 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

    Dollar Island Terrace, Main Hotel

    Addressing Pension Fund Solvency

    2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.

    In 2018, Congress established the Joint Select Committee on Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans in response to the impending insolvency of several multiemployer pension funds. While the Joint Select Committee was ultimately unable to reach consensus on a solution, the committee process highlighted the increased focus on solvency of pension funds. This session explored the importance of how pension fund solvency is defined, how plan trustees are able to manage plan solvency, and how pension benefits are guaranteed or backstopped around the world.

    Ted Goldman
    Director of Policy, Research, and Analysis Department, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation


    Mariah Becker
    Director of Research and Education, NCCMP

    Ted Goldman
    Director of Policy, Research and Analysis Department, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Ross Marcelin
    Deputy Chief of Negotiations & Restructuring, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Cameron Hunter
    Principal, Pensions and Benefits, Eckler Consultants and Actuaries

    Rafael Quevedo
    Principal Economist-Statistician, European Central Bank

    Richard Ingram
    Executive Director, Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois

    Colleen Crawford Gardner
    Executive Deputy Comptroller, Division of Retirement Services, New York State and Local Retirement System


    Innovation in Plan Designs

    3:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

    There is growing realization that sustainable benefit designs must share the risks inherent in retirement benefits more equitably between all the stakeholders in the system, and there are a wide range of approaches being developed that address this equity in different ways. This session focused on innovative plan designs either in use or under consideration throughout the world, including target benefit design plans in Canada, as well as composite and variable annuity designs in the United States.

    Robert A. Wylie
    Executive Director, South Dakota Retirement System

    David Dean
    Senior Vice President, Benefits Consultant, and Actuary, Segal Consulting


    Eric Muller-Borle
    Founder, Global Benefits Vision

    David Dean
    Senior Vice President, Benefits Consultant and Actuary, Segal Consulting

    Alex McKinnon
    Head of Research, United Steel Workers

    Christian Lemaire
    Global Head of Retirement Solutions, Amundi

    The Hon. Nicholas Sherry
    Chair, Household Capital & FNZ APAC

    Sandy Matheson
    Executive Director, Maine Public Employees Retirement System


    Close of Day

    5:00 P.M. - 5:15 P.M.

    Michael Scott

    Matti Leppälä

    Cocktail Cruise Aboard the Morgan

    6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.

    Attendees joined us for cocktails aboard The Morgan, a replica 19th-century touring vessel, for a cocktail cruise around Lake George generously sponsored by ULLICO. The Morgan departed from the dock behind the Fitness Center promptly at 6:00.


    7:45 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.

    Attendees joined us for dinner generously sponsored by ULLICO on the Shelving Rock Terrace in the Main Hotel following the cruise.

    Thursday, June 20

    Breakfast & Registration

    8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.

    Dollar Island Foyer, Main Hotel

    Opening of the Day

    9:00 A.M. - 9:15 A.M.

    Michael Scott

    The Future of Healthcare: Policy Objectives in the United States, Canada, and Europe

    9:15 A.M. - 10:45 A.M.

    Speakers considered the most pressing healthcare policy questions in their national debates, as well as the broader implications of their outcomes.

    Carolyn Smith
    Counsel, Alston & Bird LLP

    Ron Loucks
    CEO, NexgenRx

    Dejan Malesic
    Head of Business Development – International Pensions, Insurance Department, Previnet Outsourcing Solution


    Mental Health in the Workplace

    11:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

    Speakers discussed trends in mental health coverage in their national debate, as well as recent policy trends and the main challenges in each region.

    Pamela Greenberg
    President and CEO, Association for Behavioral Health and Wellness

    Joseph Ricciuti
    President and CEO, SEB Benefits & HR Consulting

    Paul E. ter Wal, LLM, CSP



    12:30 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

    Dollar Island Terrace, Main Hotel

    The Legalization of Marijuana

    2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.

    The use and handling of marijuana in health funds varies greatly between the various regions of the world. In some jurisdictions, marijuana may be legal for medical use, recreational use, both, or neither. This session explored the numerous questions this raises, as well as the various social, legal, and policy approaches throughout the world.

    Ronald Pink
    Q.C., Pink Larkin


    Stephen O’Sick
    Fund Administrator, Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local #2, New York Joint Benefits Funds

    Ronald Pink
    Q.C., Pink Larkin

    Robert Blakely
    President, MEBCO

    Paul E. ter Wal, LLM, CSP


    Managing Societal Costs of Disability

    3:30 P.M. - 4:45 P.M.

    This session considered the holistic approach to managing the societal costs of disability currently underway in Finland, as well as the various other approaches to disability throughout the world.

    Jaakko Kiander
    Senior Vice President, Ilmarinen Mutual and the Finnish Alliance of Pension Funds


    Bonnie Summers
    Executive Director, BCBS Association National Labor Office

    David Brenner
    Senior Vice President and National Director of Multiemployer Consulting, Segal Consulting

    Eric Egan
    Product Director, Absence, Disability and Life, ManuLife

    Hugh C. Hart, GBA
    Vice President, Sales and Account Management, NexgenRx

    Jaakko Kiander
    Senior Vice President, Ilmarinen Mutual and the Finnish Alliance of Pension Funds


    Close of Day

    4:45 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

    Michael Scott

    Friday, June 21

    Breakfast & Registration

    8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.

    Dollar Island Foyer, Main Hotel

    Opening of the Day

    9:00 A.M. - 9:15 A.M.

    Michael Scott

    New Forms of Work/The Gig Economy

    9:15 A.M. - 11:45 A.M.

    A host of social, economic and technological changes have given rise to new forms of work throughout the world. This session explored the changing nature of work and innovations in collective bargaining to incorporate these “gig” and part-time workers.

    Matti Leppälä
    Secretary General and CEO, PensionsEurope
    Chair, WPA

    Dan Doonan
    Executive Director, National Institute on Retirement Security

    Bernd Merz
    BG BAU Germany, International Social Security Association
    “Reforming the social model to address challenges of the new labor market trends. Current political debates in Germany.”


    Rocky Miller
    Partner, Cox, Castle & Nicholson

    Shawn Haggerty
    President, UFCW Local 175

    Werner Buelen
    Construction Policy Secretary, The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers

    Domenico Campogrande
    Director, Social Affairs, European Construction Industry Federation

    Dana Schäfer

    Walter Sailer


    Close of Conference

    11:45 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

    Michael Scott

    Robert Blakely

    Past Events

    2023 World Pension Alliance and Transatlantic Conference

    We look forward to welcoming you to our 2023 World Pension Alliance and Transatlantic Conference on June 14-16, 2023 at

    2022 World Pension Alliance Conference

    June 6-7, 2022 We invite you to attend our 2022 Virtual World Pension Alliance Conference on June 6-7, 2022. Each

    2021 Transatlantic Conference

    June 2-3, 2021 We invite you to attend our 2021 Virtual Transatlantic Conference and Global Pension Dialogue on June 2-3,