• 2021 Annual Conference

    September 25-29, 2021

    Welcome to NCCMP’s 2021 Annual Conference! If you have not yet registered, there is still time to register to join us virtually!

    The past year has been one of enormous challenges and hurdles, opportunities and successes. The multiemployer community has navigated incredibly difficult challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including loss of hours and contributions, the need to protect plan assets and expand coverage to maintain members’ access to healthcare in the middle of a global pandemic, and the pure logistical challenge of managing, operating, and overseeing a fund remotely. We have also come together to pass some of the most important legislation affecting multiemployer pension and health funds in recent history, that provides important relief from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and provides a lifeline to the most deeply troubled multiemployer pension plans.

    We look forward to seeing everyone who is able to join us in person in Hollywood, Florida to share experiences, reconnect with friends and peers, and learn about everything we have accomplished together and what the future might hold for our funds.

    If you have registered for the event please click here to visit our conference page to view speaker profiles and hotel information, interact with our great sponsors, and view sessions.

    If you have not yet registered for the event, please click here to register.


    Saturday, September 25

    Special Financial Assistance Program


    In March of this year, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer. This legislation provided a lifeline to the most deeply troubled multiemployer plans in the form of a Special Financial Assistance Program established at the PBGC to provide one-time, non-repayable grants to troubled plans. In July, the PBGC issued an Interim Final Rule detailing how the legislation would be implemented. This session will examine how this historic legislation came to be, examine in detail the PBGC’s interim final rule and the implications for multiemployer plans and participants, and will attempt to look forward at what the future might hold for multiemployer legislation

    MPRA TO ARPA—A Complete Legislative 180

    Hon. George Miller
    CEO, GM Strategies and Former Congressman

    Josh Shapiro
    Senior Actuarial Advisor, Groom Law Group


    Jim Donofrio
    Chief Negotiating Actuary, PBGC


    Paul Green
    Attorney, Mooney Green Saindon Murphy & Welch

    Jason Russell
    Senior Vice President and Actuary, Segal


    Hon. George Miller
    CEO, GM Strategies and Former Congressman

    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP


    Sunday, September 26

    NCCMP Dad's Day Charity Golf Event


    The Miami Beach Golf Club
    2301 Alton Rd,
    Miami Beach, FL 33140

    7:00 Breakfast
    8:30 Start
    12:30 Awards & Luncheon

    Welcome Reception


    Join your friends and colleagues on the patio for our annual welcome reception featuring dinner and refreshments.

    Monday, September 27



    Grand Ballroom East

    Opening Ceremony & Opening Remarks


    Sean McGarvey
    President, North America’s Building Trades Unions
    Chairman, NCCMP Board of Directors

    Keynote Speakers & Update from NCCMP


    Hon. Kamala Harris
    Vice President, United States of America

    Hon. Martin Walsh
    Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor

    Hon. Don Graves
    Deputy Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce

    Hon. Gordon Hartogensis
    Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP




    Grand Ballroom East

    Overview and Impact of the American Rescue Plan Act for Multiemployer Plans


    In March of this year, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer. This legislation provided a lifeline to the most deeply troubled multiemployer plans in the form of a Special Financial Assistance Program established at the PBGC to provide one-time, non-repayable grants to troubled plans. In July, the PBGC issued an Interim Final Rule detailing how the legislation would be implemented. This session will review the legislation and the PBGC’s interim final rule, and will discuss the implications for both deeply troubled multiemployer plans and the system as a whole.

    Paul Green
    Attorney, Mooney Green Saindon Murphy & Welch

    Jason Russell
    Senior Vice President and Actuary, Segal


    Strategies for Investment of SFA Assets


    Panelists will discuss asset allocation challenges and opportunities for plans receiving the Special Financial Assistance provided in the American Rescue Plan Act.

    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP

    John DeMairo
    President and CEO, Segal Marco Advisors

    Jared Gross
    Managing Director, JP Morgan

    Paul Joss
    Director, Client Portfolio Manager within LDI, BlackRock

    Danielle Singer
    Portfolio Manager, Invesco


    Asset Stewardship in an ESG World


    Panelists will discuss multiemployer plan trustees’ role as stewards of participants’ retirement assets in an environment where there is an increased focus on ESG considerations. This includes evaluating and quantifying (1) general ESG considerations in selecting investments, (2) investments that also drive “S” considerations such as employment among a plan’s unionized workforce, and (3) “G” oversight options including legal remedies to recoup investment losses when a corporation’s actions impair a plan’s investment.

    Erin Hutson
    Director of Corporate Affairs, LiUNA

    Sarah Hughes
    Head of Sustainability, North America, Schroders

    Darren Robbins
    Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd

    Brian Hale
    Senior Vice President and COO, Ullico


    Break for Lunch


    At ease – Boxed lunches available in Grand Foyer

    Seminar 1—Responsible Private Equity


    In recent years, private equity has come to play an increasingly important role in the portfolios of multiemployer pension fund portfolios. However, like other asset classes, private equity has its own advantages and disadvantages and requires careful consideration by trustees. This session will consider in depth case studies of the outcomes of certain private equity portfolio companies through this lens, and will propose some possible ways forward to arrive at responsible private equity investing for multiemployer trustees.

    Monte Tarbox
    Executive Director of Investments, NEBF Investments

    John Elliot
    Partner, NEPC

    Michael Monroe
    Chief of Staff, NABTU


    Seminar 2—Contemporary Compliance Issues


    This session will address compliance issues of interest to retirement and health plan sponsors, and is intended to provide an informal forum for trustees and plan professionals to address a range of current issues relevant to plan administration. Among other issues, panelists will lead discussions on: COVID testing and payment, health reimbursement arrangements, recent guidance on overpayments, and Treasury guidance on the non-special financial assistance aspects of the American Rescue Plan Act.

    Kathy Bakich
    Senior Vice President, Health Compliance Practice Leader, Segal

    Michael Powers
    Partner, O’Donoghue & O’Donoghue




    Grand Ballroom East

    Tuesday, September 28



    Grand Ballroom East

    Opening of the Day


    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP

    Update on the Current Status of Health Legislation


    This session will discuss the current status of legislation that could impact multiemployer health plans, including efforts to control the rising cost of prescription drugs, recent requests for information with regard to a possible future public option, and the recent Executive Order on vaccines.

    Carolyn Smith
    Counsel, Alston & Bird


    Implementation of the No Surprises Act


    The No Surprises Act established protections against surprise billing by out-of-network providers and requires that participant cost sharing for emergency services be limited to the amount they would pay if care had been rendered by an in-network provider. In July, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Labor and the Department of the Treasury jointly released an interim final rule (IFR) to implement many of the provisions of the No Surprises Act. This session will discuss the status of the regulations, NCCMP’s efforts on behalf multiemployer health funds, and current issues and resolutions funds are experiencing as they put the requirements of the IFR into place.

    Kathy Bakich
    Senior Vice President, Health Compliance Practice Leader, Segal

    Ed Kaplan
    Senior Vice President, Health Practice Leader, Segal




    Grand Ballroom East

    Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act


    Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) requires that plans’ benefits for mental health and substance use disorder benefits be offered in parity with medical/surgical benefits. In April, the Department of Labor, Department of HHS and Treasury Department issued FAQs in response to amendments to MHPAEA that were enacted as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. This session will discuss the legal and regulatory requirements under MHPAEA and how plans may implement them, as well as some common issues that plans have face.

    Aruna Vohra
    Senior Consultant, Horizon Actuarial Services


    Social Determinants of Health for Multiemployer Plans


    Social, physical, and economic inequalities in areas such as housing stability, food security, access to transportation, employment status, income level, race, ethnicity and education level drive disparities in healthcare outcomes. This session will examine the impact and cost of these kinds of inequalities, and will discuss ways in which multiemployer health plans can address these inequalities to achieve better healthcare outcomes for participants and more cost effect solutions for plans.

    Joanna Balogh-Reynolds
    Senior Consultant and Director of Clinical Consulting, Segal


    George Meany Awards Luncheon


    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP

    Hon. Nancy Pelosi
    Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives

    Hon. Chuck Schumer
    Majority Leader, U.S. Senate

    Option 1 - Participant Protections in Variable Benefit Plans


    Variable benefit plans continue to draw increasing interest as trustees consider how best to ensure that plans become and remain well funded in the face of volatile investment returns. One important factor for trustees to consider is how best to protect and stabilize the benefits of plan participants. This session will discuss questions that trustees should ask as they consider a variable approach, and will consider a number of approaches to protecting participant benefits taken by multiemployer plans that have converted to variable benefit plan designs.

    Kelly Coffing
    Principle and Consulting Actuary, Milliman


    Option 2 - Lawyers and Administrators Meeting


    As always, one of the most important aspects of this conference is the ability to contribute to the conversation your in-depth knowledge and experience regarding the issues you are facing. This session offers you the opportunity to raise those issues, and to leverage the knowledge of the group to see how others are confronting them.

    Paul Green
    Attorney, Mooney Green Saindon Murphy & Welch

    Ask the Regulators


    A perennial favorite, this workshop provides an opportunity for you to participate in an open dialogue with representatives of the various regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over our plans regarding the most important topics you are facing.

    You bring the issues. They bring the answers.

    Paul Green
    Attorney, Mooney Green Saindon Murphy & Welch

    Julie Cameron
    Manager, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    John Ginsberg
    Assistant General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Karen Grisz
    Division Manager, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Janet Laufer
    Senior Technical Reviewer, Employee Benefits, Exempt Organizations, and Employment Taxes
    Office of Associate Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service

    Amber Rivers
    Director, Office of Health Plan Standards and Compliance Assistance, U.S. Department of Labor

    Harlan Weller
    Actuary, Office of Tax Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury

    Wednesday, September 29



    Grand Ballroom East

    Opening of the Day


    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP

    Agency Updates


    This session provides an opportunity for the agencies with jurisdiction over our plans to update members of the multiemployer community on activities on their agenda affecting our plans.

    Mariah Becker
    Director of Research and Education, NCCMP

    John Ginsberg
    Assistant General Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Karen Grisz

    Division Manager, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Julie Cameron
    Manager, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

    Janet Laufer

    Senior Technical Reviewer, Employee Benefits, Exempt Organizations, and Employment Taxes
    Office of Associate Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service

    Harlan Weller
    Actuary, Office of Tax Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury

    Amber Rivers
    Director, Office of Health Plan Standards and Compliance Assistance, U.S. Department of Labor


    Open Forum


    This is your chance to raise any topics or questions that you would like to discuss with the NCCMP or your colleagues and peers that you did not hear addressed during the formal program.

    Mariah Becker
    Director of Research and Education, NCCMP

    Closing Remarks & Adjournment


    Michael Scott
    Executive Director, NCCMP

    Past Events

    2025 Annual Conference

    Register today to join us and your peers in Hollywood, FL on March 6-9, 2025 as we bring together an

    2026 Annual Conference

    Please hold your calendar to join us and your peers in Hollywood, FL on March 28-April 1, 2026 as we

    2027 Annual Conference

    Please hold your calendar to join us and your peers in Hollywood, FL on March 20-24, 2027 as we bring