March 6-9, 2025
NCCMP is pleased to welcome you to our 2025 Annual Conference on March 6-9 at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida.
The insights you need.
The issues facing multiemployer pension and health plans continue to evolve. The special financial assistance program at the PBGC provided a lifeline to the most deeply troubled multiemployer pension plans, but continues to face political challenges. SECURE 2.0 made a number of generally helpful bipartisan changes to the operation of pension plans, but also created many questions and challenges with regard to catchup contributions and autoenrollment. At the same time, both Congress and the Administration are deeply focused on ensuring access and availability of mental health benefits with the publication of the DOL’s final rule on mental health parity. And PBGC is expected to finalize new withdrawal liability regulations that will change the way pension fund trustees need to think about withdrawal liability, while trustees face head-on the eternal question of how best to ensure plans remain well funded long into the future.
We look forward to seeing you in Hollywood, Florida to share your experiences, hear from our deeply knowledgeable experts, connect with your friends and peers, and learn about issues relevant to you what the future might hold for our funds.
Please click here for our full program! We look forward to seeing you in Florida.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Conference Registration
Hotel Lower Lobby
Reading the Tea Leaves: Republican Policy Objectives
As we head into a new legislative year in which Republicans have a (slim) majority in both Houses of Congress and control of the White House, this session will consider the various proposals developed by Republican thinktanks and lawmakers that, if enacted, would affect retirement, healthcare, and labor policy in America. Join our roundtable of policy experts to discuss the proposals that have been put forward, their impact on the broad retirement, healthcare, and labor landscapes, and the implications for our multiemployer plans.
David Brenner
Senior Vice President, National Director of Multiemployer Consulting, Segal
Chris Heinz
Government Affairs and Labor Relations Consultant, Heinz Strategies LLC
Kendra Isaacson
Principal, Mindset
Andrew Siff
Principal, Longbow Public Policy Group
Susan Valentine
Political Director, UNITEHERE
Brigen Winters
Principal, Groom Law Group
Welcome Reception
Join your friends and colleagues on the patio for our annual welcome reception featuring a buffet dinner and refreshments.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Conference Registration
Grand Registration
Grand Ballroom East
Opening Ceremony & Opening Remarks
Sean McGarvey
President, North America’s Building Trades Unions
Chairman, NCCMP Board of Directors
Michael Scott
Executive Director, NCCMP
Retirement Congressional Update
With the change in Administration and the shift to Republican control of both Houses of Congress, the political landscape of Washington, DC has changed dramatically. This session will discuss the changing majority, the impact on the relevant committees, as well as the current status of activity on the Hill and Agencies.
Kendra Isaacson
Principal, Mindset
Becca Alcorn
Senior Director, Mindset
Grand Ballroom East
Connecting the Dots on Infrastructure
The session will connect the dots on NABTU efforts in identifying infrastructure deal flow and its work with asset owners/investors to drive infrastructure investments, investment opportunities for our pension funds, and work for union members.
Dan Pedrotty
Director of Capital Strategies, NABTU
Sonia Axter
Managing Director & Head of Asset Management, Infrastructure, Ullico
Gerrard Bushell
Partner and Chair, The Carlyle Airport Group
Michael Cairns
Partner, NEPC
Jorge Ramirez
Managing Director Labor & Government Strategies, GCM Grosvenor
Adam Waltz
Managing Director, Global Infrastructure Partners (BlackRock)
Securing the Future: Strategies for Managing Pension Risk
If there is one thing that is certain, it is that the future will never play out exactly as we expect. Investment returns lower than expected, fewer contribution hours, unexpected employer bankruptcies or withdrawals or so much more can throw a monkey wrench into the works of the best funded plans. This session will consider the various risks that plans are exposed to, as well as practical ways that plans have mitigated those risks through investment allocation, annuity purchase, plan design and other strategies.
Robert Projansky
Partner, Proskauer
Jason Russell
Senior Vice President & Actuary, East Region Retirement Practice Leader, Segal
Annie Taylor
Managing Director, Senior Consultant, Sector Lead, Verus
Break for Lunch
Boxed lunch available in the Grand Foyer.
Option A - Lawyers & Administrators Meeting
As always, one of the most important parts of this conference is the knowledge that YOU bring
to the table on the issues you are facing every day. This session offers you the opportunity to
take advantage of the attendees’ depth of knowledge to discuss your most pressing issues
Paul Green
Senior Counsel, Mooney, Green, Saindon, Murphy, and Welch
Eunice Washington
Executive Director and Counsel, SEIU Benefit Funds
Option B - New Trustees Seminar: Your Plan is Well Funded - Now What?
As multiemployer plan funding continues to improve year over year, trustees, employers, and plan participants naturally start to wonder “What’s next?”—Should contributions be reduced? Can benefits be improved? Geared towards new trustees and those who would like to deepen their understanding of plan funding, this session will look at how plan trustees can begin to answer those questions as well as pitfalls they should keep in mind as they do so.
Ben Ablin
Senior Consulting Actuary, Horizon Actuarial
David Pazamickas
Senior Consulting Actuary, Horizon Actuarial
Option A - Responsible Investing: Private Equity Principles & the Next Frontier for Labor's Capital
Many public pension plans and large asset owners have responsible contractor policies (RCP’s) that seek to ensure that investments in real estate and infrastructure are being monitored to ensure that those hired for construction and maintenance of properties are being treated and paid fairly. However, no such standards exist for assets in private equity. Until now.
This session will provide participants with model language that their Funds can adopt and use, some examples of large asset managers that have already adopted model language and a discussion on why funds should be concerned about responsible investment in private equity.
Jennifer O’Dell
Assistant Director, Corporate Affairs, LIUNA
John DeMairo
President & CEO, Segal Marco Advisors
Sonia Axter
Managing Director & Head of Asset Management, Infrastructure, Ullico
Jorge Ramirez
Managing Director, GCM Grosvenor
Steve Sleigh
Senior Advisor, Blue Wolf Capital
Option B - Pain Relief? IRS Guidance on SECURE 2.0
Some unexpected provisions of SECURE 2.0 are creating heartburn for current and future multiemployer 401(k) plans. This session will discuss the new requirement for catchup contributions to be made on a Roth basis for high-earners as well as the autoenrollment/ auto-escalation provisions of SECURE 2.0 and the challenges they create for both current multiemployer plans as well as defined contribution plans that add a 401(k) feature in the future and newly established multiemployer 401(k) plans. Speakers will also review proposed IRS regulations that provide some relief and efforts to secure further relief down the road.
Anthony Cacace
Partner, Proskauer
Terry Nelson
Vice President of Labor Relations and Business Development, Primacy
John Donohue
Principal and Relationship Manager Taft-Hartley Practice, Milliman
Networking Reception
Grand Ballroom East–Please join your colleagues and peers for a brief networking reception before you begin your evening.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Conference Registration
Grand Registration
Grand Ballroom East
Healthcare Congressional Update
The healthcare debate in Washington is raging far and wide. Whether it is pharmacy benefits reform, mental health benefits access and availability, or changing the tax status of healthcare benefits entirely, the impact of legislation and regulations under consideration in the coming year would be enormous. This session will discuss the latest from the Hill and the Agencies and what you need to know to stay ahead of the debate.
Kathryn Bakich
Senior Vice President, Health Compliance, Segal
Tara Bradshaw
Executive Director, Washington Council Ernst & Young
Navigating Mental Health Parity Guidance
Mental health and mental health benefits are of utmost importance to trustees, members, and their families. This session will discuss DOL’s final mental health guidance, plans’ experience with enforcement, and how plans are continuing to provide quality benefits while complying with the challenging final rules, as well as the outlook for mental health parity under the new Congress and Administration.
Merrilee Logue
Executive Director, BCBS National Labor Office
Elena Lynett
Senior Vice President, Segal
Lisa Campbell
Principal, Health Services Co-Chair, Groom Law Group
Ben Conley
Partner, Seyfarth
Grand Ballroom East
Reforming Pharmacy Benefits Management
From the states to Congress to the FTC––pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) and PBM reform have been in the spotlight. Speakers will discuss recent efforts to enact pharmacy benefits manager reform at all levels of government, engagement outreach to and from multiemployer plans, and ERISA preemption challenges plans face with the ever more complicated state landscape.
Eric Schrumpf
Executive Vice President, BeneCard PBF
Tom Leibfried
Legislative Representative, AFL-CIO
Vanessa Flynn
Vice President, Senior Consultant, Segal
Michael Powers
Partner, O’Donogue & O’Donogue
George Meany Awards Luncheon
Edward M. Smith was a tremendous friend to the NCCMP and a passionate advocate and supporter of the multiemployer community. From his earliest days with LIUNA in southern Illinois to Chairman and CEO of Ullico, Ed will always be remembered for his wisdom, passion, kindness, leadership, and the values that he lived and shared with all of us every day. America, LIUNA and the multiemployer community are better for having Ed Smith in our lives.
Sean McGarvey
President, North America’s Building Trades Unions
Chairman, NCCMP Board of Directors
Michael Scott
Executive Director, NCCMP
Brian Hale
President and CEO, Ullico
Terry O’Sullivan
General President Emeritus of LIUNA
Chairman of Ullico
Option A - Supporting Members Through Family Benefits
This session will explore a variety of benefits plan trustees have used to support their members’ ability to care for family through all phases of life, including maternity benefits, paid leave options, and the caregivers’ credit. Join our speakers for a discussion of what is possible, and leave with new ideas for ways your funds can assist members in caring for loved ones.
Dennis Kearney
Senior Vice President, Segal
Aruna Vohra
Senior Consultant, Horizon Actuarial
Option B - Contemporary Compliance Issues
This session will address compliance issues of interest to retirement and health plan sponsors, and is intended to provide an informal forum for trustees and plan professionals to address a range of current issues relevant to plan administration.
Lori Waichman
Associate, Mooney, Green, Saindon, Murphy, and Welch
Ivelisse Berio LeBeau
Vice President and General Counsel, NEBA
Option A - A New (Old) Direction in Housing Benefits
Even with the strong wages and benefits negotiated in the multiemployer system, members can struggle with the high cost of housing. This session will explore options for plan trustees to provide housing assistance benefits through multiemployer health and welfare funds, including examples from plans with existing programs.
John Harney
Adjunct Professor, UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
Option B - Ask the Regulators - CANCELLED
A perennial favorite, this workshop provides an opportunity for you to participate in an open dialogue with representatives of the various regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over our plans regarding the most important topics you are facing.
You bring the issues. They bring the answers.
Mariah Becker
Director of Research and Education, NCCMP
Invited government speakers
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Conference Registration
Grand Registration
Grand Ballroom East
Keynote - Former Assistant Secretary Gomez
Former Assistant Secretary for the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), Lisa Gomez, will reflect on her time at the Department of Labor and lessons learned for the multiemployer community in the coming Administration.
Agency Update
Mariah Becker
Director of Research and Education, NCCMP
Invited government speakers from PBGC and the Department of Labor
Open Forum
Mariah Becker
Director of Research and Education, NCCMP
Closing Remarks & Adjournment
Michael Scott
Executive Director, NCCMP